Today, on 4 February in 1920, the first air flight took off from London to Cape Town. The flight took 45 days with a total flight time of 109 hours and 30 minutes, owing to crash landings in the Sudan and Bulawayo. But they made it.
G-GAST Safely back in the UK
Thank You
Thank You
A big thankyou to everyone who has been involved with making this adventure possible
A Total of £39,025 has now been raised for 3 great charities with the help of my sponsors and kind donations from everyone.
Finally thank you to my family for their patience and support on this 12 year project
ITV News - London to Cape Town Solo Flight
Amazing support and kindness from Hillside School (Sudbury)
I was sent a video and pictures during my trip from Hillside School which really helped push me on. Thank you all and look forward to catching up when I am back
Within 24hrs of landing in Stellenbosch G-GAST was packed and ready to head back to the UK
Huge thanks to Nico and his team
A long day on Tuesday and an early start Wednesday trying to prepare G-GAST ready for shipping
Dismantling G-GAST ready for shipping back to the UK
Great to see Mum & Dad
It had only been 38 days but had felt much longer since I had said goodbye at Illington farm strip (Norfolk, UK) on 3rd November.
Safe Arrival in Stellenbosch (FASH), Cape Town after my 38 day Adventure
Catching up with my wife Jo and children Joshua & Kitty, to let them know of my safe arrival and that I would be home soon !!